Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Conducting Yourself In A Class

   There is an appropriate way someone must act doing a certain time and a certain place. A classroom is a place where you must display good behavior. Being in a classroom is something serious. One should not want to play when it comes to he or she grades. Being in a classroom is something serious. One should want everyone in a classroom enviroment to think they are ambassadors. The way one act in a classroom they should not act that way at home. One must perform good discipline.
     One should not talk while their teacher or professor talking. It is important one pay close attention to the lesson they are getting taught. If one is talking how will he or she know what is going on? A classroom should just be an enviroment for learning and not for socializing about nonessential things.    
One should want to be a good example for others. If one have a question he or she should not just blurt out, they should raise their hand. There is a time and a place for everything.

Monday, October 23, 2017

The Imagery Poem

Peeping Out The Window

Peeping out the window all I see if green,
The grass looks fresh and alive,
The branches are hanging low
likes vines in a tropical rain forest.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Do Your Teachers Use Technology Well?

    Yes, my teachers use technology well. They use technology for educational purposes. The main electronic teachers use now is called the Smartboard. Most teachers find that using technology makes learning more fun and effective. Although, some people may disagree and say they prefer the old fashion way, which is using textbooks instead. However, students will be more engrossed in technology then they will with textbooks. Therefore I feel like teachers use technology well.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Tween Years

In this article it talks about how the Pacific Crest Trail and its organization has developed over the years.  Even though people had the desire and vision to grow the organization they lacked the experience. They started setting membership and fundraiser money goals. Their organization started getting bigger and better. They joined up with other organizations and trails and earned plenty of money. In October 2001, Bob Ballou retired from being the executive director and Liz Bergenon soon became the new executive director. First thing I learned from this article that pioneers Clinton Clark and Warren Rogers was the ones who brought passion to the trail. Second thing I learned was that you must work your way up to the top. Third thing I learned was to never give up, even though they organization was small at first, they did not give up and continued to build it up. The question I have is how many members do the organization have now?

Book Review of "Fences"

   The play "Fences" is a tragedy, written by August Wilson. The play's setting is in 1957 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  The p...