Thursday, January 31, 2019

Reflection| Daily Blog| Literary 3x3

     While reading The Color Purple Today, we were introduced to the character Shug Avery.  When Celie first meets Shug Avery, Shug tells Celie “She is ugly.”. Shug is staying with Mr. and Celie do they can care for her while she is sick. Shug being sick also made her a very harsh person, being rude to Celie and Mr.. Also while reading today I noticed a little of humanity and emotions coming from Mr.

Daily Blog:
     Today I had a very nice day. The senior class 2019 took their big group picture today. It was a nice experience being able to come together with your other classmates and takes picture and be silly. After we took our pictures they let us chill out in the Gym for a little while. Everybody who took their pictures looked very nice. Us taking our senior picture today also made me realize how close we are to graduation, it was a bitter sweet moment for me.

Silence creates uncertainty
Mistakes creates restraint
Love produces amplitude

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Reflection| Daily Blog

     Mr. finds out that Shug Avery is coming into town and goes all out the way to impress her. After awhile he started coming home very depressed, not working as hard as Celie does in the field. Harpo also complains to his father that Sofia doesn’t listen anything he says. Mr. and Celie advice was to beat Sofia. But due to Sofia having being strong mentally and physically she fights back unlike Sofia.

Daily Blog:
     I didn’t really have a good day at school today because my hair wasn’t did. I strongly dislike going places without my hair did. So after school today I went and got it did for the big senior picture we are taking tomorrow in the Gym at 1:00 p.m.. The hairstyle I got are six feed ins braids going to the back. After I got my hair did, I came home and did my homework.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Day 3

     My weekend was very nice. I spent it in the house eating snacks all day and watching Netflix. I discovered some really nice movies on there. I didn’t really do too much of nothing. Hopefully, my next weekend be more exciting.

Friday, January 25, 2019

The Color Purple: Day 2

     Mr. wants to marry Nettie, but Fonso doesn’t want Nettie to marry right now. Fonso suggests Mr. marry Celie just to get rid of her. Fonso belittles Celie lowering her self esteem. Celie’s marriage with Mr. is a disaster as she learns the living with the children is a lot of work.

Journal Entry:
     Today was a nice day as I went to a school’s basketball game today. It was also senior night tonight at the basketball game. I went out to support our basketball team and our seniors. Also both the boys and the girls basketball team won.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

The Color Purple: Letters 1-8

     From what I’ve learned so far from the reading the book Tbe Color Purple is Celie is a young girl getting raped and impregnated by her father, Fonso. This made me feel disgusted and angry with Fonso, knowing he is raping his own daughter and giving away the kids she birth. Celine continues to get raped so she can prevent the same thing from happing to her sister, Nettie. Celie wants Nettie to hurry and get married and move away so she will not get raped. But Fonso says Nettie is too young and innocent to get married away so he suggests Celie.

     My day today was pretty good. The most interesting thing about it was starting the book The Color Purple. It is one of my favorite films so I am thrilled to read the book. Another highlight for today was attending the A/B Honor Roll pep rally. It was very nice and organized and we honored Rodney Hudson for going into the Hall of Fame.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Vocabulary Quiz

1) Lament- a passionate expression of grief and sorrow

2) Apostrophe- when a speaker breaks off from addressing one party and instead addresses a third party

3) Anaphora- repetition of a certain word or phrase at the beginning of successive lines of writing or speech

4) Dearth- a scarcity or lack of something

5) Enjambent- the continuation of a sentence without a phrase beyond the end of a line, couplet, or stanza

6) Opulence- great wealth of luxuriou ness

7) Catastrophes- an event causing great and often sudden damage or suffering; a disaster

8) Obsolete- no longer produced or used; out of date

9) Deprivation- the damaging lack of material benefits considered to be basic necessities in a society

10) Incongruous- not in harmony

The girl was lamented by her large circle of friends due to the dearth of her social skills. She felt as though she was incongruous with the other girls. Every time she would try to communicate with the other girls they would dismiss like an apostrophe in a sentence. The only reason why the girls wanted to be her friend was because of her opulence. Once her luxuries was gone she felt obsolete. This caused her to have sleep deprivation. The girl felt as though her life was full of catastrophes. So she started getting into writing poems and she was famous for her good enjambents and anaphoras.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Reflection About Monster Creation

The experience of creating Senoj was very exciting. Our group loved the idea of being able to create our own monster and tell its history. Although it was difficult to come up with a background for a story and a look for it, we still found a way. Doing this project also taught us how creative we could be and how to use our imagination to make nothing into something. Each one of my group members contributed into the project. It was a very fun productive group activity.

Poem to Senoj

Senoj Senoj
Please let us be
Come out the water set us free
We didn’t mean for you to drown
You didn’t have to bring us down
You eat people pound by pound
All we hear is dripping sounds
Water creeks
Water reeks
Senoj Senoj
Please let us be

Poem About Senoj

Don’t laugh at me
Because I know that I am fat
When you taunt me everyday what do you get out of that?
Don’t laugh at me
Now you’ve gone too far
Pushing me off the bridge knowing I can’t swim at all
Don’t laugh at me
Look at what you’ve done to me
Now I’m dead I couldn’t breathe in the deep blue sea
Don’t laugh at me
I can’t believe I’m talking to fish
They also brought me back to life which was my only wish
Don’t laugh at me
Now I’m out for revenge
You laugh at me again I’ll let you know what it is
Now I’m laughing at you
Look what you made me do
Now you’re lifeless....All because you laughed at me

Senoj The Monster

Senoj was a young kid who went to Calloway. He was a sweet, quiet kid who rarely talked to anyone if he didn’t have to. This is what made kids bully and pick on him. One day his class took a field trip to a lake near by. Senoj sat by the lake by himself. A couple of the kids thought it would be funny to push him in the water. Everyone crowds around him. Out of nowhere one of the bigger boys push him in the water.He started to drown immediately. Someone says help him but no one helps. All of the kids go back to the field trip area. As the kids get on the bus the teacher asks has anyone seen Senoj. No one answers. Then a girl says he didn’t come to school today and they leave. Senoj’s body washes up in a grassy field on side of the lake. An old man finds the boy and takes him home. The man specializes in black magic and uses it to find out how the boy died. He casts a spell that brought the boy back a terrible cost. When the boy is brought to life he is surrounded by magical fish. These fish help him track down and kill his attackers.

Book Review of "Fences"

   The play "Fences" is a tragedy, written by August Wilson. The play's setting is in 1957 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  The p...